
Desensitization:  What it is and How to Do it.

What is it?  

We use desensitization when we want to reduce our response to something that is happening in our environment.  For example, if we are afraid of loud noises, a desensitization program will repeatedly expose us to increasingly loud noises in a safe, relaxed environment, until the loud sound doesn’t scare us anymore.   We can use desensitization to decrease our responses to the noises, sights, sounds and touches associated with dental procedures.

How do we use Desensitization?

Desensitization can be divided into four steps:

1.  Relaxation Training

This relaxation response can be brought about using several different techniques, which will be discussed below.  The idea is that you learn how to relax your body, so that you are calm while progressing through the desensitization steps.

2.  Development of a Fear Hierarchy  

It’s important to know what evokes a fear response in yourself or your client, and the severity of that fear.  We can then begin at a level that is comfortable for the client and progress according to his/her individual needs.

3.  Progression through the Fear Hierarchy 

During this progression, the client is observed closely for any signs of fear or anxiety.  If the current step is causing a stress response (discussed below), it is important that the trainer return to a previous level that does not evoke a stress response.  The idea is that we want the client to be calm and relaxed throughout the procedure, from start to finish.

4.  Generalization to Real Environment  

The final steps in any desensitization procedure is to expose the client to the actual environment and the actual procedures.  This final step ensures that any dental treatment will be successful.

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