How To Use

close up photo of teeth being brushed

Get the most of our program by using our take home kits, social stories, and Happy Tooth.

Happy Tooth

A friend to take along on the journey

Happy Tooth provides a textile and visual cue for dental care. Patients are encouraged to hold the stuffed Happy Tooth provided in the Take Home kit for the duration of at home desensitization practice and will see the character through the Social Stories. When Happy Tooth is present, patients will know dental care is taking place as well as have a friend to hold. We hope this friendly face will help bring joy to all dental activities!

Social Stories

Social stories provide clear descriptive information which helps prepare individuals for upcoming experiences. Each module provides a social story outlining exactly what to expect during a visit to the dental clinic. Work through the social stories slowly, marking initial responses and working towards lessening any strong response.

Virtual Tour

Just as social stories help provide a clear picture of exactly what to expect, our virtual tour videos provide the opportunity to experience as much of the dental clinic experience as possible. The videos match the content of each module and can be watched on a tablet or preferred device. Many people find VR overwhelming so it is important to choose a viewing device that meets each individual’s comfort level.